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How safe are UV lamps?

  • Studies demonstrates the safety of a wide range of top selling UV nail lamps show that they are well within accepted safe levels.

  • Ultra-violet (UV) is divided into 3 main categories; UVA, UVB, UVC. Each of these categories defines a broad range of UV wavelengths found in sunlight. Only a small fraction of the many wavelengths in natural sunlight are useful to cure nail coatings. UV nail bulbs are designed to emit UVA, little or no UVB and never any amount of UVC.

  • UVA exposures in nail lamps were found to be equivalent to spending an extra 1.5 to 2.7 minutes in sunlight each day.

  • The measured UV exposure is so low that a person could once every day put their hand under a UV lamp for 25 minutes and it would still be within the “permissible daily occupational exposure limits”!

  • UV nail lamps are not tanning beds! They emit a much lower level of UV and your hands will never be tanned from the result of a UV gel or CND Shellac service.

  • Client hands are likely to be exposed to more UV when driving their cars than what they can expect to receive from UV nail services

  • Research demonstrates that the backside of the hand is 4X more resistant to UV than the forehand or cheek, making the backside of the hand the most UV resistant part of the human body, which even further increases the margin of safety.

Should a client express anxiety, nail technicians may consider doing the following to make the service more assuring:

  • Use a small piece pf cloth to cover hands when placing them in the UV lamp.

  • Wearing SPF15+ suncreams on their hands.

Information adapted from scientific expert, Doug Schoon at

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